In  February 2017, Luray Middle School suddenly lost one its most beloved employees, Leonard "Beetle" Bailey. To honor his giving spirit with all things food, Luray Middle School staff and students set out to complete a project that would carry on in his honor. LMS shop students, with the help of teachers, set out to build a Blessing Box and organize supplies, that would provide a meal to those in need. The blessing box was placed in the front of Luray Middle School where people, any time of day, could stop and get items. This project has proved to be most successful, and more than five years later, Beetle's Blessing Box is still providing for our community daily. 

To help support the Blessing Box, Luray Middle School FCCLA is holding a Food Drive next week, October 31-November 4th. The middle school class that brings in the most items will enjoy a Staff vs. Students game. Students will also be in front of Shoppers Value on Monday, October 31, 2022, from 4-7 p.m. for those wishing to drop off donated items. 

 Luray High School students are also joining in on the food drive, and have been offered 1 hour of community service time for every 5 items donated. This opportunity helps those in need of  hours meet their requirements, while also helping fellow community members. 

Anyone wishing to drop off donations can do so at either Luray Middle School or Luray High School. Together we can provide small comforts to those in need.