With Page County School Board meetings now being streamed out to the community, the Board is implementing a process to help facilitate the citizen comment period of the meeting. Please use the following link https://forms.gle/vkAxLTeUyZ3YzQ1t6 to submit comments you would like to share with the Board by 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Questions will not be answered during this period. Please note that comments must be related to specific items on the agenda for that evening. You may review the meeting agenda by following this link: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public. To view the live streaming of the school board meeting at 6:30 p.m. on July 27, 2020, please use the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g9IX_1lhKtsQkDAh7KC-Q. If you are unable to view the live stream, the meeting will also be recorded where you can watch it at a later date via our YouTube channel (the link is on our website pagek12.org). If you need assistance submitting your comments, please email questions@pagecounty.k12.va.us.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Message: In order to help inform our planning and decisions for our return to school, we are asking for parents/guardians and employees to please complete the attached survey in response to the proposed instructional plan for the 2020-2021 school year. You are NOT committed to this survey, it is only being used for planning/decision purposes. The link for the proposed instructional plan has been included for your review if you have not yet done so. https://5il.co/id8w Survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=eP0un9agxEqtsPkZTPTPHUMMqXiQjPhNqkU1aos2TftUOTNCUFhJVjhJSkZMVVdWMkQ5QzIxQlBNTS4u Thank you, and please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Message
AMENDED 2020-2021 SCHOOL CALENDAR https://5il.co/ihjy
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
We would like to take this opportunity to say "Thank You" for your patience, understanding, legitimate questions and concerns. All of your comments and questions were genuine and we appreciate the manner in which they were presented. This is no easy obstacle for anyone involved , but together we WILL succeed. Please stay tuned for more information coming your way in the days ahead. Please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
thank you
For those of you wishing to review the Return to Learn plan that was just presented to the school board please access the following link. https://5il.co/id8w
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Announcement
The school board meeting may also be accessed using this link. Thank you for your patience https://meet.google.com/age-gqaw-rov
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
School board meeting
For those wishing to join tonight's school board meeting via Zoom, here is the login information to join. Topic: PCPS School Board Mtg. 7-16-20 Time: Jul 16, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72065458252?pwd=Smo5RVBnbC83Tm85bklmcUFSTU5kdz09 Meeting ID: 720 6545 8252 Passcode: wR3QiP
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
School board meeting
For those wishing to join tonight school board meeting via Zoom, here is the login information to join. Topic: PCPS School Board Mtg. 7-16-20 Time: Jul 16, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72065458252?pwd=Smo5RVBnbC83Tm85bklmcUFSTU5kdz09 Meeting ID: 720 6545 8252 Passcode: wR3QiP
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
School board meeting
In anticipation of tomorrow night's school board meeting, when a plan for reopening schools will be presented to the school board, we would like to remind everyone of proper social media etiquette. We understand that not everyone will like or even agree with the plans that are being put into motion. Please know that weeks have been spent preparing for the release of this plan, and every effort to find the best possible way to keep our students, faculty, staff, and administration safe has been of utmost importance. We would like to remind you that children read this page. Please lead by example when making any responses. Any comments deemed inappropriate or in violation of Facebook standards will be deleted. The proposed plans will be released following the school board meeting tomorrow evening. Thank you and please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
A Message From The Superintendent Regarding the Opening of Schools. https://5il.co/i980 Please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Message
Message from the Superintendent to Page County Public Schools Students, Staff, and Families: https://5il.co/i878 Please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Message
We'd like to recognize the following Spring Athletes on their respective awards. Please join us in a round of applause for the following students: HALL OF FAME AWARDS Baseball - Tristan Gordon Softball - Maddie Gordon Girls' Soccer - Abbey Nauman Boys' Soccer - Logan Rangel Girls' Tennis - Grace Knighton Girls' Track - Faith Shifflett Boys' Track - Wesley Nicholson SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD WINNERS Female - Abbey Nauman Male - Tristan Gordon Male - Wyatt Hensley
over 4 years ago, Page County High School
Announcement: Monday night's regularly scheduled school board meeting has been changed to Thursday, July 16th, 6:30 p.m. at the school board office. Zoom login will be sent out prior to the meeting. Please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
school board meeting
An update from Mrs. Comer about the results from the Virtual FCCLA National Leadership Conference. https://www.facebook.com/pchspanthersnews/posts/599734564287028
over 4 years ago, Page County High School
Last week, Administrators from Central Office made some special deliveries to those retiring from Page County Public Schools. We wish you all the best in retirement. Thank you for your service to our children and to our school system. Enjoy. You deserve it.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
admin delivering retirement gifts.
On Monday night the school board approved Dr. Paul Johnson to be the principal for Luray Middle School. We are excited to have Dr. Johnson return to Page County Public Schools. Congratulations!
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Dr. Paul Johnson
Please join us for tonight's regularly scheduled school board meeting using the following login information. Topic: PCPS School Board Mtg. 6-22-20 Time: Jun 22, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77974517818?pwd=VUN4a1doMXFTWkJwb1FsQStmbHF4QT09 Meeting ID: 779 7451 7818 Password: 0ALzey Please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
School board meeting
With the recent release of new guidelines from the Governor and the Virginia Department of Education, PCPS is in the process of planning how we will best serve our students in the upcoming 2020-21 school year. We would like all families to complete this survey that will help guide our planning. Here is the link to the survey -- Please share. https://forms.gle/wJQCxNc8npZJfWUy6
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
take our survey
Upcoming Kindergarten parents: Next week, Monday, June 22, 2020, each of the four elementary schools will be hosting scheduled appointments to screen incoming Kindergarten students for the 2020-21 school year. If you have not heard from your student's school, please reach out to schedule an appointment to have your incoming Kindergarten student screened. Preschool update: Due to a number of extenuating circumstances, preschool acceptance letter will not be sent out until the week ending June 26, 2020. Thank you and please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Message
VHSL Physcial Forms may be accessed by visting Pagek12.org and Clicking MENU/DOCUMENTS/STUDENTS AND FAMILIES/VHSL PHYSICAL FORM or by clicking the link below. Please share. https://5il.co/b8x8
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools